
traditional hand drawn animation as a part of multimedia video installation controlled via interactive methods by user

subject of study

1.    Impressions and influences linked with visual images
2.    Expressions and emotions connected with motion picture
3.    Evoke impressions specified to the viewer using the moving image
4.    Stimulating the dormant areas of our mind / soul by motion picture
5.    Sensitize the viewer to stimuli received outside the cognitively
6.    Putting the viewer in the uncomfortable position as an intruder
7.    Collective memory
8.    Voyeurism

Research questions

1.   What sort of emotions can be evoked by different kinds of motion pictures? 
2.   Is it possible to stimulate dormant areas of our mind/forgotten memories - by visual image whichdoes not represent anything particular / or / not by what it shown but by what this image exactly is
3.   What are implications for motion graphic, animation when creating sequences to be a part of an interactive installations / Starting from the classical, hand-drawn animation process by working on the computer (assembly, colour correction, composing) to be end was used as a part of the creation of a multimedia video installation

Research aims

1.    To explore the area of collective memory problem
2.    To check how will traditional animation works as a part of interactive installation.
3.    To ensure the motion picture can evoke deposited emotions and memories of with existence of which we cannot realize
4.    To make some researches connected with sensitivity and stimulation received outside the cognitively

Research objectivess

1.    An Animation of birds as a metaphor for collective memory, as a philosophy.
2.    I plan to design the animation whilst at NTU with a view to the animation being controlled via interactive methods by a user. The interactive production will be prototyped in Poznan.
3.    Explore appropriate visual images or method of represents the birds.
4.    To produce visualization of the proposed interactive installation to show the animation in its intended confer.


To realize a project which bumped into my head once, when late at night I came home from my friend. I saw something that was related to my project, this thing had a big impression for me and that visual experience had brought me so much intensive emotions. for a long time I thought how I can most fully express that this strong impression. it seems to me that I found an appropriate way for that.


A project is a hand – drawn animation with postproduction in computer using Adobe After Effects. Projection is from multimedia projector in the dark space/room, from the loudspeakers sounded processed sounds of birds mixed with other sound from city and electronic music. The sounds seems to be strangely familiar but also unsettling - without any practical reason.

When you enter into the dark space from the outside you can see projection on the wall. Now is just landscape and soft swaying trees.Few seconds ago there were the rooks, which you already raised by your entrance. Stop, wait, do not move.  The birds will fly again.

It’s a kind of  metaphor, I would like to encourage viewers to spend a few moments in silence, peace and reflection. Without any movements. At the moment, try to focus on how you receive this simple but wide optical image. Calm down, stop run, spend/loose  a few minutes of your day (which will not bring you any tangible benefits in the colloquial meaning) in the contemplation of impressions which you’ve just received. impressions which I am trying to bring out

How  to make it working?

Possibilities :

1.    Infrared Sensors/photocell
They can detect the motion, they are cheap and reliable
I can plug in to the computer using:

a)     Arduino http://www.arduino.cc/ - you will need just a USB cable and 2 cables to the sensor


It only detects the movement of people so I assume they move, and always
are within range of the photocell. It is because there is no movement that does not mean to
come out

2. Web cam

Requires a program which will follow the changes in the image

a) Typically webcam connected to the computer


Very sensitive to lighting (which is variable during the day)

3. Infrared Webcam


Less susceptible to lighting


Variously clothes are different reflected in infrared which can sometimes be problematic- may require additional lighting to lighting (which is variable during the day)

4. Summary

Creating three separate video clips:

a) the birds - the natural neutral behavior - voyeurism

b) the flight birds

c) arrive birds

Regardless of who the technique (1 or 2) will be used is needed to have a program that will turn video- clips matched to what motion detector device sees.
Writing such a program should take about 1h for the programmer
the best solution for the moment seems to be
camera + detection of changes in the image + controlled lighting condition

FOR MORE INFO ABOUT THIS PROJECT / ORIGINS / THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF ITS CREATION / DESCRIPTIONS / OTHER please visit http://myerazmusreflectivejournal.blogspot.com/p/pgd-prezentation.html

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